Template your way into brand consistency

Transform your marketing materials into templates and make them editable by anyone.

Branded template branding for modification

What are branded templates?

النماذج هي تصميمات محتوى ذات علامة تجارية يمكن تعديلها بواسطة أشخاص مختلفين دون تغيير الملف الأصلي. إنها مخطط يمكن لأي شخص استخدامه لإنشاء رسومات أو مستندات لعلامتك التجارية بسهولة أكبر . يساعدك على تحقيق تصميم موحد والتنسيق من خلال وصف التنسيقات والمرئيات والخطوط والألوان والشعارات والمحتوى.

Customise branded graphic templates

How are branded templates created?

يمكن إنشاؤها من ملفات PDF ، أو نسخها وتغيير حجمها من قوالب الشركة الحالية ، أو مصممة على محرر عبر الإنترنت الخاص بـ We Brand ، والذي يحتوي على 1000 من أنماط البدء المصممة باحتراف. يمكنك بعد ذلك تطبيق قيود للتحكم في ما يمكن تعديله ، بحيث يتم اتباع إرشادات علامتك التجارية دائمًا.

Customisable designs follower engagement

Why should I use branded templates?

Creating branded templates is the easiest way to share customisable designs, whilst keeping your images on-brand and cohesive with your visual identity. When all your images have a common look, your followers and customers instantly recognise the image as yours. This helps you with engagement, brand recognition and a more loyal following.

Why should I use branded templates?

Customisable designs follower engagement

For Brand Consistency

Creating branded templates is the easiest way to share customisable designs, whilst keeping your images on-brand and cohesive with your visual identity. When all your images have a common look, your followers and customers instantly recognise the image as yours. This helps you with engagement, brand recognition and a more loyal following.

For Content & Data Control

Branded templates provide the guideline for what can be published. By using restrictions, you can give editable access to your content, whilst making sure people are not using outdated company information, reducing price under the approved minimum, extending a promotion after a set date, and so on.

For Digital Asset Sharing

Simply transform your images into a branded template to gain full control over how they are utilised. You can ensure your images are watermarked for brand protection and that they are only used as per their license. You can also control what text can be added to an image and if images can be shared, downloaded or used on print files.

Marketing using layouts for branding

For Branded Content On Demand

Branded templates allow marketing managers, designers and business owners to focus on marketing activities as opposed to spending time producing content to suit specific needs. Staff members, reps, local stores, and customers can choose from a selection of pre-made layouts to build upon, and use customisable media as required.

Business promotions quickly for customers

For User-generated Content

User-generated promotions can be done quickly and simply, as brands can allow staff members, customers and influencers to put their own voice on their campaigns using branded templates. Let others change text and replace images in a controlled way, and share your content with their audience.

Ⓒ 2022 Desygner Pty Ltd
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